Blogging during my conference
I'm sitting through hour 3 of the second day of my conference and sort of zoning out. Conferences are interesting (get to hear a lot of current science, get to meet a lot of people, etc) but 8 hours a day of talks can get really tiresome. Like one of my postdocs said, "Even if I wanted to hear all the talks, I definitely wouldn't want to hear them one after another." Hear hear.
Anyways, today I'm working on my medical school secondaries and listening to the talks with half an ear. A lot of the talks today aren't particularly pertinent to my field anyways.
But the point of my post is to say that I'm conflicted about Gov. Schwarzenegger. Yes, he's a republican and a lot of people voted for him because it would be "funny" and he doesn't really have any politcal merit other than marrying an heiress, but I sort of like how he flagrantly goes against a lot of Bush's policies--and even against his republican constituents. Just today in the news, he's apparently involved in a plan to reduce greenhouse emissions, which the White House refuses to address. I consider myself really ignorant politically, so I'm not sure if he's actually doing a good job, but I appreciate the gesture.