Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Campus rumors

So I was tutoring Manuel (the Stanford janitor.. do I need to elaborate more on this or does everyone know already?) this night (although during the summer we're more chatting in Spanish than anything, since I'm not disciplined enough to really steer us towards constructive learning), and apparently there's a Cantor Arts Center ghost! Has anyone heard about this? I feel like more people would know. Anyways, he was saying that after they had a party in Cantor another janitor was assigned to clean it up at like, 2 in the morning, and he made Manuel come with him because he's too scared to go in there by himself. Apparently once he was in Cantor cleaning and he saw a girl walking around, asked the security guard outside if anyone was let in, and the guard was like "no, I didn't, but there WAS this girl who died here a long time ago..." and you know the rest of the story. Also, some woman was cleaning there at night also, and heard people talking to her, and of course there was no one there.
This is really cool/creepy... I was wondering if anyone else knew anything about this?
You learn the weirdest things when you get to know the janitors. Like, which professors are messy... and which buildings are haunted.


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