Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I try to go to all my classes. I don't think I've consciously skipped a class (as in, just decided not to go because I didn't feel like it) more than twice in my three years at Stanford. It's just a habit I have, mostly induced by a subconscious fear that, if I do poorly in the class, it will be because I missed material in lectures, and then I'll feel guilty or stupid. I also just like to make a habit of doing things, and if I start missing class, then I might get into the habit of doing that, which wouldn't be good. Where's the stupid stat that every Stanford class missed is a waste of five hundred dollars?
I also always sit in the front... mainly because I can't see the board that well from the back, but also so I can hear better and have more incentive to not fall asleep.
This summer I'm taking a class which, besides having all the lectures posted online, is filled with rather stupid/lazy people (who I assume are not Stanford students but just here for the summer course. This includes the old people and the girl who brings a different, $1000+ handbag to class every day when she comes to class). So I must look sort of weird sitting in the front of class every day, diligently taking notes. I've gone to office hours a few times, so the professor knows sort of who I am. Anyways, today I was sitting there and at the end of class he comes up to me and says "So..., it's been nice having you come to all my classes this quarter..." and trails off. Hmm... okay. I was like, "Oh. Thanks. I try to make a habit of coming to class."
I'm glad that he appreciates my presence in his class... but it was sort of weird/awkward having him say it to me, especially since I don't think this is even the last week of class. And even if it is, it's not the last day of lecture. Is he on one of those twelve step rehab programs where you have to go apologizing and thanking people or something?

Alright, I said I was going to bed at 12:00. I'm an hour late, thanks to the stupid people on Weboggle who wouldn't let me win until now. It's actually their faults that I'm still up this late. Goodnight, everyone.


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