Thursday, August 03, 2006

Apparently I'm not a criminal

Today I went to get myself fingerprinted and scanned in the FBI database. It's this new Stanford policy, that anyone who works with children under 18 has to get a background check done. It was actually kind of interesting, and they have some really sweet scanners for fingerprints that are really easy, fast, and not messy like those gross ink rollers I remember using when I got fingerprinted a long time ago. So that's all good, and now we can know for sure that I'm not a child molester or kidnapper or serial killer!
One annoying thing that happened while I was there was my car started acting funny. I drove there fine, but when I tried to leave the place it made spluttering sounds and wouldn't start. I called my mom and when she came over to check it out it was acting normal, but I'm still suspicious. Hopefully it won't die because it's still a good car (1997 Camry) and Toyotas are supposed to last forever.


Blogger Jeremy said...

Camry = excellent automobile.

"now we can know for sure that I'm not a child molester or kidnapper or serial killer!"

I demand a recount.

10:03 PM  
Blogger seabeans said...

Dude, it's a *1998* Camry.

1:54 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

Eh, I can't keep track of how old it is... we GOT it in 1997, though. I think it's a battery problem, but our ("expert on everything") dad insists that the battery should be good for 10 years, so the fact that it's only NINE years old means that there must be nothing wrong.
Also, every time parents start it, it sounds fine, so they don't believe me that something's wrong. So annoying1

9:38 AM  
Blogger seabeans said...

Haha, it's like that dancing frog from the cartoon!

Oh and I suddenly remembered how when you were very young, maybe three or so, when we took you to the mall to get your fingerprints done (which might mean you're already in that database and don't even know it), you were screaming the whole time, like they were hurting you or something. It's totally funny, now that I think of it.

The worst part of the ink roller fingerprints was the vaseliney goop they used afterwards to clean off the ink.

10:38 AM  

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