Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Getting a clue

Some people don't get it. When you think someone was your friend and then they suddenly start ignoring you, it's probably not because they decided to suddenly be mean or something, it's because you did something weird, stupid or offensive to piss them off. So take this guy who I worked with TWO YEARS ago... I thought he was a nice guy, someone fun to hang out with--until I read his blog and found all these creepy references to me, and mean things he wrote about Matt! Okay, you can write whatever you want in your blog, but if you're going to go dissing people you don't even KNOW or ranting about how Asian girls who go out with white guys suck, then I'm sorry, you're losing my respect right there.
And now to top it off, two years later this loser is STILL writing cheesy and bitter things about me in his blog. For your information (if you read this... I admit I looked at your blog after my sister pointed out that you were still talking about me) I happen to have a life outside of my boyfriend, plus, if you were ever lucky enough to be in a two year relationship with someone, don't you think a big part of your life would involve that person? Otherwise, it would be a pretty pointless relationship. Your snide comments about my boyfriend only reveal how jealous you are of anyone and everyone who can actually be mature enough to enter a steady relationship. ALSO, I DID see you that day, and I CHOSE not to talk to you, because you've offended me with your ignorant comments on my life and inability to stop harping on the past and I simply don't want to deal with it anymore.
Plus, the shopping bag was for HIM, he needed shoes because his old ones had holes! Yes I have a lot of clothes, but if I bought something, do you think I would make my boyfriend carry it for me?
Ugh, now I'm all pissed off. I hope I've offended the right people and confused everyone else. So much drama--I feel like one of those lame Xanga girls now.


Blogger seabeans said...

*Snort* Xanga is so Hello Kitty.

The one where he wrote about finding a piece of your hair in his car and saving it is the most pathetic thing I've ever read.

I have no tolerance for clueless nerds. They have unrealistic ideas about everything and are generally a pain in the ass to be around. The only relationship they've had with a woman is with their mothers, and when ONE little bad thing happens to them, they get all bitter and never shut up about it.

Igoring him is the nicest thing you could have done. What does he want, a poke in the eye?

4:54 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

Yeah, pitiful doesn't even begin to describe it.
I just hate people who try to overanalyze stuff and just end up beating everything to death.

2:43 PM  
Blogger seabeans said...

Totally! It's bad enough when they analyze Star Wars to death, but at least they KNOW something about Star Wars. Ha!

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you don't think it's creepy that i read your blog from time to time (it's because i'm at work.)

link me to his xanga? I'm intrigued.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

Ha ha Allen, you don't need to apologize for reading this! I started this thing so people could keep up with me with minimal effort :-).

This might be giving too many things away, but the post is:

And where are you working btw?

2:34 PM  
Blogger seabeans said...

I must chime in again to say that his extended metaphors are worse than the tripe tossed around in an amateur fiction workshop.

Sometimes his blog reads like something out of The Onion. I can't stop reading it because it's so embarrassingly bad.

That's all!

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, good, nothing will stop me from stalking you! I just don't want the next blog post to be about creepy neighbors.

Up in Seattle working at Microsoft, feel free to ask about it via e-mail (if you're interested, I know you're ...just a little CS). I'm working on Windows Serviceability (the hotfix department.)

8:09 PM  

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