Trip to SF
On Friday, my car finally died (it was the battery, so my parents took it in and got it fixed). Unfortunately, it died just as I was about to go home so I could pack and leave for San Francisco for an overnight shopping/eating trip with Matt. I was planning on taking the train up there Friday afternoon with Terry, hitting up some shops around the train station and Union Square, then maybe going to Chinatown before meeting up with Matt and eating dinner somewhere. Fortunately my mom was around to drive me home and to the train station, but I got sort of a late start.
Shopping was fun, although neither of us bought anything... I had a nice time in SF (although apparently on Friday night there was a night market in Chinatown that we went past by a block). With Matt, I mostly went to Chinatown to eat buns and shrimp dumplings, and walked to Telegraph Hill to look at the feral parrots that live there. The parrots were really funny (now I want to see the movie about them), but unfortunately I couldn't take any pictures of them because they kept pretty high in the trees and my camera's zoom wouldn't have been strong enough. After we looked at the parrots, we walked back to the train station (just as the train was pulling out, so we had to wait an hour for the next one), came back to Palo Alto and had dinner at Tacos el Grullense, then came back to my house where I slept for 14 hours (on account of sleep deprivation and exhaustion from walking a billion miles over Friday and Saturday--cabs and muni are for losers: I'd rather spend my money on food!).
I only took a few pictures:

We stayed in this weird little hotel near Union Square, with totally cheesy decorations... yes, the room came with an ugly little stuffed animal. I almost died laughing when I opened the door.

Matt bought a banana in Chinatown and here he's really excited about eating it.. I should have gotten a picture 30 seconds later, when he's throwing it away because it tasted terrible (must have been a cooking banana).

Funny Tsing Tao billboard.

A huge and awesome kitty that was sitting outside someone's shop in Chinatown. It's name was Mimi! It was HUGE!
I could be wrong, but I sort of remember the Chinatown night market being on Saturday nights. It's in that square where we used to go in the gold elevator to get to the parking garage. I went there once, there's mostly really junky stuff and it's so crowded you can barely move.
That banana in Matt's hand looks like a ripened plantain. Apparently they're not sweet at all.
oh yeah! and didn't we see that same billboard in the seedy part of RWC?
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill was a book first. I checked it out from the library but then never read it. Oops.
Yeah I also wanted to read the book, but it looked like cheesy hippie stuff from the excerpt.
And that billboard is one of my favorites, so I wanted to get a picture of myself with it.
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