Goofy graduation pics
Yes, I really did graduate! I was busier here at EPGY than I thought I'd be, or maybe I've just become lazier. At any rate, I've finally uploaded pictures onto my computer!
Here's my favorite picture from the day: it's right after Commencement (for Wacky Walk, I was boring and wore my bathing suit under my robe. Matt was wearing board shorts & was carrying half his broken surfboard (Sam had the other half).

Then, at the individual diploma ceremony, someone took this funny picture of Joe (my labmate and fellow BMC/MD-PhD-er) and I.

I'll put up more pictures as I find them. I'm leaving EPGY tomorrow, and hanging out with Katherine on Saturday. Then, Matt and I will be leaving Sunday morning for Yellowstone. We should be gone about 10 days, depending on how long we take driving back. I should have internet in some of the hotels we're staying in, so if I'm not too lazy I'll post pictures.
Yay funny pictures! Yay graduation!
like fun you'll post anything from the road! huh!
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