Sunday, March 26, 2006

Change of Plans!

So, for those of you who care, I actually didn't end up going to Humboldt, because Matt is a little sick and didn't want to do the drive (can't blame him, really). But that's not bad, because I get to be really lazy and um, studious (?!?!) with my MCAT crap and stuff like that. And we're probably going up some long weekend in spring, so I can look forward to that!
Anyways, standard spring break stuff is going on now, sleeping lots and eating lots and doing silly wasteful things. Went to Hotaru today... love that place.. get to go again in the next week if Katherine wants too (woohoo... hehe). Ummm... yes.... it's 3 am and I'm sort of incoherent.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hey, why the hell am I studying BMI!??!!

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Dammit, these things are SO F-ING CUTE! Sometimes I wish I went to UC Davis & got a vet license and then went to China and worked with baby pandas.. Oh wow. I should be studying.

Friday, March 17, 2006


Last day of classes today, still too stressed to think about anything but finals. So unfair that during dead week I had a huge CS project and two problem sets due. Anyways, I've made spring break plans. I'm going to Humboldt with Matt for the first weekend of break and then coming back home and studying like hell for the MCAT. Oh if only spring break was 2 weeks long...

Monday, March 13, 2006

brief lull before the storm

Dead week this quarter looks awful. That is all I have to say.
See you all next Friday after 4 finals, MCAT studying, one CS project, and one grant proposal....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Haha, just realized that all day people have been able to see my underwear thru my shirt. Like. TOTALLY can see it. Oops, my bad. That's what happens when you wake up right before class throw on clothes, and have been running around all day and haven't had time to look in a mirror..

Monday, March 06, 2006

Enough is Enough, you Disgusting Charred Cancer Researcher's Nightmare

Some freshman idiot comes into physics every day 5 minutes late and sits in front of me, reeking of cigarettes. How disgusting. The only thing I hate more than smokers are smokers who make me suffer through their disgusting and irresponsible habit. YEAH, I SAID YOU WERE DISGUSTING AND IRRESPONSIBLE!
And he's ugly. I mean, seriously.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Gluttonous Post

Eating! I just had a hot dog, so I feel like posting about food!

Matt is trying to eat Egg. He's hungry, or something.
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And also, the other day I took fat pictures of myself! ha ha I stuffed a pillow into a big sweatshirt that Matt has--they look surprisingly convincing. So I guess this is a preview of what will happen if I ever really let myself go.

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The profile shot looks pretty real.. hmmm... I don't make a hot fat person.