Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I have finally reached the pinnacle of... well, some pinnacle

I play too much boggle on the web. I'm decently good but during the daytime there are definitely some dominant people that totally kick my ass. So I have the loserly habit of playing at night, when there are less people and I can be the ridiculously dominant person who wins by 50 every time. Well, tonight I've finally reached the top, because someone actually made their screen name "Megan quit so I can win". Damn, who's the bigger loser? I was half studying for MCATs at the time, but I'm sure you had a death grapple with your keyboard trying to beat me. Ok, I'm going to sleep. Suckas.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Okay. So this is the best parking spot ever. And I said I'd never leave it.. and then when I had to leave it to go shopping (hehe, HAD to go shopping, you know), I came back and it was still there! So I got it again and was super happy and then was like, "damn, I'm NEVER leaving this spot." And then I drove a bunch of people to a party and went to Terra and was sad because I had to leave my spot.. and then when I came back again it was STILL THERE. Someone was like, just pulling out of it. So now, really, I am never leaving it because me & my beautiful parking spot are meant to be...

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Lookit my car! It's so happy there! It likes it... it's saying "please let me stay in this nice shady spot that is oh-so-close to the door of your dorm...

and also..
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Ikea stuffed animals are awesome

I got a new friend! From Ikea! His name is Koral Krabba and Matt got him for me. He has awesome fangs and is soft and has funny bug legs!

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funny bug legs:
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Ooops you're sitting on Klappar Flodhast
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Oh! What were YOU doing there?
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Thursday, February 16, 2006


This is pretty awesome

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Incidentally, I had a dream last night that I gave someone a really good date rejection, and it was verrry satisfying. Ha ha ha ha (yeah, hope you like that, Adam! Now you're justified in saying I'm angry/mean)

And I have a physics midterm tomorrow! Aurgh! Midterm at like, 7-9 pm on a Friday night...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


That's it, I'm going to Safeway tomorrow and getting one of those buckets of potato salad, and I'm going to DESTROY it. AURURRURGH.
Hopefully I can do this without Matt finding out (hehe, post to the internet, oh well he doesn't check this that much), so that he'll still take me to In & Out over the weekend. Oh how I want a hamburger... Oh man. I might just have to eat all the pickles in my fridge.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Rusty nail. Foot. Through flip flop. Gross and icky.
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Don't worry, I'm being dramatic... it was a teensy nail and barely went into my foot (although enough to make me bleed and gross people out). But I have to go get a tetanus shot tomorrow! Aurgh! At least... going to the hospital is an excuse to go shopping.. because they're in the same direction.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ha! Ha!

I was right! I told Matt not to drink out of the full bottle of cranberry juice because he'd spill and he is right now doing the laundry because he spilled ha ha ha I was right! And I was also right about the undersea cables.... I am awesome.


I went and bought alcohol on my 21st birthday, at midnight. I'm so stereotypical. Oh well.
And today I made a joke in section about micropatterned elastomers and almost everyone laughed. Shiiiiiiit I'm hardcore.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Hmph, it's my birthday tomorrow but Matt's sick and I'm sort of sick and... blah.
I want to go shopping!