Wednesday, May 30, 2007


If you see me in my room typing (or sleeping) with a gray sweatband around my wrist, it's not because I'm working out, or sweaty, or trying to look sporty! It's because I used my new laptop about 12 hours a day when I first got it and strained my wrist. Lame, right! Ha ha, I was trying to use the little eraser mouse instead of the touchpad, and I think my arm was reacting to some combo of my hand being stretched out and the mouse having too much resistance. My mom suggested I wear a stiff sweatband while I use the computer and sleep (sort of like a brace), and it's helped a lot. And makes me look retarded.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Freeway Driving

I'm finally learning how to drive on the freeway! (Doesn't that thought scare you?) Uhh, I think I was going somewhere with that, but I lost that thought...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Three and a half more weeks

I hurt my wrist using my new laptop too much.
I have a billion projects to do.

Complain, complain, complain. I can't wait for the summer to start...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Exotic Erotic? + sumnmer plans (not exotic or erotic)

It's the night of Stanford's annual "Exotic Erotic" party, where girls have a minimum of two articles of clothing; guys are limited to one. Supposed to be the craziest party of the year, where people get creative with nudity, etc (last year someone wore a trumpet?). Sadly enough, I've never gone in my four years here... it's always cold and there's a huge line, and people from Berkeley try to sneak and. Here's to another year that I don't go (although this year I'm being a particularly huge loser and programming)!

Oh, and by the way, I'm working at EPGY again this summer! (did I already post this?) Unfortunately I can only do one session, so I don't know if I'll be able to be a residential counselor (even though I really really want to...), but nonetheless I'll have some funds for silly shopping expenses next year. After 3 weeks of EPGY, I'm taking a trip to Yellowstone with Matt, and then bumming around my house for a couple of weeks before I move to Los Angeles (ETA: August 1st).

Would you approach me if I looked super pissed off?

Today I had 9 am section (the most ungodly thing ever... on a Friday to boot!!!) and fell asleep when I got back home at 11. I lamely slept through lunch, called up Matt and was not very nice to him (hungry + sleepy = grumpy, but still no excuse), and half an hour later was in Tresidder getting a slice of pizza, with a look on my face that clearly said "I HATE EVERYONE". As I was walking to my seat, this scrawny asian dude gives me this really creepy dorky smile, and I instantly look away. Not soon enough, it seems, because five minutes later he sat down at my table (even though there were about 20 empty tables around me) and said "Excuse me, do you mind if I join you for lunch?" in a voice that was probably about an octave above mine.
YUCK! Wow, I really didn't want to talk to anyone at that time--certainly not some weirdo who tries to pick girls up in Tresidder. I stared him down and left, saying "sorry, I was actually just leaving" and retreated to the Lair (heavenly study area on the 2nd floor of Tresidder) to finish my lunch in peace.
Now, I don't want to rag on ALL asian guys, because I've met a lot of cool ones, but seriously: there were quite a few white girls in the cafeteria, including one who was sitting next to me at a table by herself. Why did he pick ME (ie the only asian girl in the place) as the target of his creepiness? I HATE how a lot of loser asian guys assume that because I'm asian I'm somehow "eligible" for them to hit on. I can't tell you how many times some asian guy will meet me and, within the first ten minutes of the conversation, say "so, I was wondering: are you Korean, or Taiwanese, or Chinese?" The last time someone said that I gave them a confused look, and said, "I don't know what you're talking about, I was born in America." This may sound bad, but I identify more with the American culture than with my Chinese--maybe because I spent my entire life here! Okay, maybe our grandparents might have come from the same continent, but it doesn't mean you can bother me more than any other girl. In fact, the idea that you're using our supposed "connection" as two asians as a crutch so that you can introduce yourself to me is pathetic. Get a life, stop playing WOW and DDR and wearing clothes that your mom bought you in 1995, and for the love of god, leave me alone!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Best site ever!

I Can Has Cheezburger is my latest obsession. Weird pictures of cats (and other things) labelled with engrish = instant stress relief. Plus they update multiple times a day!

My favorite: the "corm" hamster:

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(photo stolen from icanhascheezburger)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Parking ticket in Berkeley

Wow, the meter maids are on the ball in downtown Berkeley. I got my 1st parking ticket there. Literally seconds after my meter expired (I thought I had until 2:45 but the ticket was issued at 2:44? wow.. more like 2:44 and 59 seconds!). Bad, bad luck.

Good news: I scored some Miss Sixty jeans for $10, and Matt got J Crew slacks for $12 and dress shoes for $20. And he's splitting the cost of the ticket (which was $30, so I'm only out $15), since we were both too lazy to run back to the meter and guard the car when the clock was ticking down.

But seriously, did the guy see our meter at 1 minute and just sit there waiting for it to expire?

Friday, May 11, 2007

Garbage can mouth!

So, lately Matt has been making this funny face that I dubbed "garbage can mouth" where he makes his lips go away, and the way his mouth/teeth shape remind me of the way the lid on a garbage can meets the top of the can. Weird, but that's what it reminds me of, and I didn't like it when he made that face at first, so I called it that so he would stop! Anyways, I was playing around with my big Tom the other day, and noticed that he also can make the "garbage can mouth" so of course I made him & Matt pose together.

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Damn you, caterpillars!

Stanford is absolutely CRAWLING with little hairy caterpillars which I used to think were cute, until I found out that what I thought were bedbug bites are actually an allergic reaction to their hair! Hmph, now I'm all covered in itches and little bites... not cool :-(.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Spiderman 3

Went to the midnight show of Spiderman 3 last night (note lack of retarded "Spider-Man" spelling). Made me think of two things:

(1) Why does everyone hate Kirsten Dunst so much? I used to think she was okay, but sitting next to a bunch of Kirsten haters last night, I started to get annoyed with her too. That girl needs to get her teeth fixed.
(2) I'm going to miss college... going with 30+ people to a movie at midnight, driving back at 3 am and going to class at 9 am.... okay, maybe I won't miss college that much... but it was still fun!

Overall though, the movie was pretty awesome, with some good villains (although one of my friends pointed out that all the "sandman" scenes stole majorly from The Mummy--but they were still cool!) and a good sappy ending. Aww.
(The best part of this overall experience was that when I walked into my 9 am section 10 minutes late (which the professor of the class happened to be leading that day--oops!) and said "sorry, I was up until 3:30 watching Spiderman 3 with my dorm mates last night" he was like "ah, okay, no problem." I love school.)