Friday, May 04, 2007

Spiderman 3

Went to the midnight show of Spiderman 3 last night (note lack of retarded "Spider-Man" spelling). Made me think of two things:

(1) Why does everyone hate Kirsten Dunst so much? I used to think she was okay, but sitting next to a bunch of Kirsten haters last night, I started to get annoyed with her too. That girl needs to get her teeth fixed.
(2) I'm going to miss college... going with 30+ people to a movie at midnight, driving back at 3 am and going to class at 9 am.... okay, maybe I won't miss college that much... but it was still fun!

Overall though, the movie was pretty awesome, with some good villains (although one of my friends pointed out that all the "sandman" scenes stole majorly from The Mummy--but they were still cool!) and a good sappy ending. Aww.
(The best part of this overall experience was that when I walked into my 9 am section 10 minutes late (which the professor of the class happened to be leading that day--oops!) and said "sorry, I was up until 3:30 watching Spiderman 3 with my dorm mates last night" he was like "ah, okay, no problem." I love school.)


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