Saturday, April 21, 2007

Ok. I've finally made my decision

So, guess where I'm going to be next year???

Phew. Finally made that decision. I've been going back and forth for so long, and as you probably all know, I had a great time in Houston at Baylor and met some really awesome people. The thing is, I really don't want to leave California (especially for 8 years!!), and SoCal is practically a new state. I mean, everyone here is a lot weirder than up north, and they don't have Safeway--it's just like the east coast, right? The biggest part of my decision was ultimately the school. Grad school is all about research, and the research at Baylor in biocomputation just can't compare to the UCLA program. Besides, UCLA is starting a bioinformatics department next year, and I really wanted to go to a school where I could get a true bioinformatics PhD, and not just some random genetics, cell bio, or translational medicine degree that included computation.

So I'm super excited, the people I met here were also very cool (of course we all bonded at some random bar at 12 am, per all other med school revisits), and LA is a fun city with more shopping than you can shake a Marc Jacobs bag at. Now I just need to learn how to drive on the freeway better, and I'm all set.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We totally have Safeway. It's called "Vons" but everything says Safeway Select on it and it looks the same and they accept my Safeway card. They even have the same awesome french bread at the same price.

I'll bet Matt is excited... "visiting you" will be a great excuse go surfing at all the LA/OC beaches.

Driving on the freeway in LA is easy because all you do is sit there for two hours without moving. If you want to change lanes you just roll down the window and ask the person next to you if they'd mind.

9:09 PM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

Congrats on the decision, Megan. Have fun in SoCal. :-)

2:08 AM  

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