Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Happy V-day, everyone! I didn't end up doing anything fun/interesting today because I'm getting over this flu that I conveniently got after coming home. I blame the flight back from LA- they made us sit in the plane for an hour without the air circulating, while they were waiting for our pilots to arrive (they hadn't even LANDED yet!!! I hate LAX...). Anyways, Matt and I are planning on going out to one of our favorite restaurants on either Friday or Sunday night, or we'll probably get lazy and not go, and then the next random time we go out to dinner we can say "hey, this is for Valentine's day." I think Valentine's day is sort of hyped up because most normal couples (especially ones that have been going out for more than a year) don't celebrate much.

Also, Saturday is Chinese New Year. We're going back home for dinner, and that should be exciting.


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