Wednesday, October 25, 2006

You say you're going to bed early...

...and two hours later you're eating instant noodles and wondering why you haven't started going to bed yet.

Forget an alarm for waking up. I need one that tells me to go to bed.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

My latest obsession

Lately, I've spent SO much time on ebay, which is funny, because I've only bought two things in the time I've been a member (a subscription to Lucky magazine and a Hobo International purse). I have my eye on a cashmere hoodie which is cheap right now, but those things always shoot up in the last twenty minutes or so. Anyways, I really need to cut back, and I'm trying to think of other things to keep me busy. So far, I've been reading books (I got a bunch of mysteries from the library, and that's been slightly successful), going shopping for real (been doing that a lot, hehe, better than ebay because I'm limited by when I fall over from exhaustion), and looking at fashion blogs (which is probably worse, because then I get obsessed about something and have to look it up on ebay). I need a new hobby, ideas please!

I've probably been ebaying so much because I've been sick this past week. I think I'm finally better, and am looking forward to being more active. I'm also almost done with medical school applications--and I got an interview! I bought a suit for it (look retarded, but whatever) and wonderful wonderful beautiful shoes:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

They haven't gotten here yet, but I tried them on in brown and they are the most comfortable heel I have ever worn. I'm serious, try a wedge heel pump, it's ridiculous in terms of walk-ability and wearability.

Ok, well I'm trying to do more exciting things, so I can take pictures of them and blog. If anyone took a picture of me the past two weeks, all you'd see were my pajamas, messy room, and the mall. (Ooh, and Tofu House, we went there last night!)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Russian literature shouldn't be read past 10 pm

So instead of finishing my medical school essays I decided to read Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilych. And now I'm really depressed, and want to write essays about how life sucks and we're all going to die painful deaths. Alone.

God, I need to go shopping. Good thing Sophie's Choice was checked out of the library, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to handle my life.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I want to get better!! Aurgh.

I'm slowly getting better. I've barely left my room the past few days, and am getting restless. Yesterday I had to miss tutoring and I felt really bad about that-it was the first class of the year, and I had already called Manuel and told him I was coming. I figured it wouldn't be too good for me to go running around at midnight though, and really didn't want to get him sick. Oh well, I'll see him tomorrow.
I really hope I'm a lot better tomorrow, because I have my Arbor Free Clinic interview at 7. I haven't spoken prolonged Spanish for about three weeks (I was hoping to get practice tutoring last night), but hopefully I won't suck too much (I'm applying for a Spanish interpreting position). Interpreting sounds fun, I just need to remember to stay warm if I'm going to be in contact with sick people-these past few days of being sick were terrible. I don't think I've been this sick for a year, at least.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

This weekend

I worked at the homecoming reunion a lot this weekend. On Friday, I helped out at the 1971 class party at McArthur Park, and on Saturday worked the tailgate. Overall it was fun because I got to dress up (for the party on Friday), eat nice food, and talk to alums. The sucky part is that I caught a cold from Matt on Thursday which I didn't know about, then sat around in the cold all day Friday and Saturday, and ended up with a bad flu and fever. The only thing worse than being sick is having to do a bunch of homework when you're sick...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

SPOON Breakfast Cook

This morning (although it seems like days ago) we had our quarterly breakfast cook for SPOON, the Stanford Project on Hunger. I'm a coordinator this year, so we have to participate in our own activities and start the quarter by cooking breakfast for a homeless shelter in Palo Alto. I'd never done anything like it before, and it was fun to (1) cook for so many people--try cracking and scrambling 180 eggs--and (2) to serve it and meet the people at the shelter. I'm not quite sure if our breakfast actually helps anything (actually, some of the people were like "man, if they feed us like this, why would anyone get a job?!?" --cringe but smile--), but it definitely was nice to do something nice and see it make someone's day.
Two random things happened because of it, though. First, I took a nap when I got back home at 9:30 am, and had the weirdest dream about the maintenence people being in my room, only to hear the maintenence guy knock on my door. I couldn't answer because I was in that weird half asleep where you can think/hear but not move. After a few knocks, he came into my room but I was hidden behind a dresser so he thought no one was there. Then I finally mustered up enough wakefulness to pop up, but I think I scared him. The second thing that happened is that I have a terrible craving for scrambled eggs right now. I wonder if they make them at late night...

EDIT: I went to late night and got an omelette without the cheese & meat (aka scrambled eggs). I had the hardest time convincing people that all I really wanted was eggs with salt and pepper. In the end it was $5.50 but it didn't matter because I paid with my points, which I never use up anyways.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Guess what this is.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Non-New Year's Resolution

I've been to the gym three times this week. That's my new resolution, trying to go to the gym. It's also the reason why I haven't been blogging.

Also, I've already turned in eight med school apps. God help me, I've written more essays than I care to count.

Monday, October 02, 2006


I've just submitted three medical school secondaries (for a total of five total), which means only ten to go, hehe. The good news is that, after you've written about 15 small, rather pompous essays on life-shattering events, you can start re-using them. Hopefully by the time I finish my last one, I'll have enough essays in my bag of tricks so I can shamelessly cut and paste.

Well, I had some pictures, but photobucket is being frustratingly slow, so I'll put them up tomorrow.

My cardiovascular bioengineering class is making me lose weight. Ever since we had a doctor bring in diseased human aortas into class, I can't stop thinking about gross fatty plaques growing in my body. I've actually started eating healthier and exercising more, not so much because I'm afraid of dying, but because the damn things look so GROSS! (I would post pictures, but again, photobucket's being stupid.) UUUUUUGHGHHGHhhghgghpht. I also didn't realize that smoking is such a big cause of heart/artery disease. I definitely knew it in the back of my mind, but it's like, one of the major causes why people get heart disease. I thought smoking just made your lungs disgusting, but it also makes your arteries all nasty too... hmm... more evidence that anyone from an educated country should not be smoking? I need a diseased artery to carry around with me that I can throw at the smug emo kids lighting up outside Pizza My Heart.

Oookay, sorry I'm getting belligerent/angry here. Must be time for me to go to sleep.