Monday, October 02, 2006


I've just submitted three medical school secondaries (for a total of five total), which means only ten to go, hehe. The good news is that, after you've written about 15 small, rather pompous essays on life-shattering events, you can start re-using them. Hopefully by the time I finish my last one, I'll have enough essays in my bag of tricks so I can shamelessly cut and paste.

Well, I had some pictures, but photobucket is being frustratingly slow, so I'll put them up tomorrow.

My cardiovascular bioengineering class is making me lose weight. Ever since we had a doctor bring in diseased human aortas into class, I can't stop thinking about gross fatty plaques growing in my body. I've actually started eating healthier and exercising more, not so much because I'm afraid of dying, but because the damn things look so GROSS! (I would post pictures, but again, photobucket's being stupid.) UUUUUUGHGHHGHhhghgghpht. I also didn't realize that smoking is such a big cause of heart/artery disease. I definitely knew it in the back of my mind, but it's like, one of the major causes why people get heart disease. I thought smoking just made your lungs disgusting, but it also makes your arteries all nasty too... hmm... more evidence that anyone from an educated country should not be smoking? I need a diseased artery to carry around with me that I can throw at the smug emo kids lighting up outside Pizza My Heart.

Oookay, sorry I'm getting belligerent/angry here. Must be time for me to go to sleep.


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