Am I really that silly?
Today I was complaining about how my huge lab issued laptop is hurting my back to carry it around, and one of the postdocs asked me, "why don't you buy a new one?". I'm definitely going to buy a new computer (about 99% sure it'll be a laptop) when I graduate, but it never occurred to me that I would ever get one before then, especially since my desktop works fine. I answered, "I don't know... a laptop just seems like the last thing I want to spend money one right now." Because a fast, small one is what, like over a thousand? To which he replied, "what, clothes are more important?"
Hmph! Do I really come across as someone that obsessed with my clothes? Everyone should know that (besides the $5.00 skirt I found at American Eagle two weeks ago), I haven't bought clothes for months. I got a skirt at Abercrombie but got grossed out by the idea of shopping at Abercrombie (and the fact that the store smells like B.O.!) and returned it. I suppose my mom bought me khakis, but I didn't ask for those.
Of course, I'm not half as good as I'm making myself out to be, because I still have a major weakness for shoes and accessories. But those are NOT clothes. There's a difference, so THERE.
On the bright side, I'm graduating from a fledgling nerd into one who knows enough to be a useful nerd. Somehow the wireless got messed up at Matt's house and I sucessfully "hacked" their wireless router and re-set it up so it didn't keep kicking people off the internet. Now everyone in that house thinks I'm a computer science major or something. Because I fixed the internet.
Also, if you want to know where I spend all my time (besides TJ Maxx, of course.. or maybe not..), here's a picture of my spectacularly messy workspace in lab:

To be more fair to myself, a lot of that electronic clutter is not mine. I just sort of moved my linux box onto a desk which was already becoming a dump for all the electronics that no one wanted anymore.
EDIT: Now I am just realizing that my laptop definitely has weboggle on it, instead of work. I really do work... a lot... when I'm not ... blogging... or playing boggle.
Whatever! If nerds had their way, they would starve to death and go naked and spend all their money on gadgets/comic books/Star Trek DVDs.
Fortunately for the rest of us, there are laws to prevent that.
I don't think he was being a nerd, I think he was implying that I was an airhead. Because a lot of people say this about me...
nerds totally like to point out that liking anything except for gadgety things is "being an airhead!"
Maybe I agree with him though...about your head, that is. hahaha
Yes! That is the BEST Dilbert quote ever!
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