
Awww... blinded by the flash. How cuuuute.
Ivan (from Slav last year) said that people who walk in the street or bike on the sidewalk should be shot. I agree. Maybe on like, El Camino or something you can ride on the sidewalk (because only crazy hardcore people bike there), but on Lausen Mall there is no reason why you can't ride with the other bikers... there aren't even any cars there! The sidewalk is for people, and the stupid bikers who weave around the walkers make me scared. I hope they fall off the curb and knock out their teeth.
So I'm in one of those multi-person study groups where you all read a portion of the papers and then send everyone else summaries, so that you end up with summaries of all the readings in the class without having had to do all of them.
Two good things happened to me today:
I have no less than five cable knit sweaters in my closet. Maybe it's time I start branching out a little?
More proof that everyone lurrrves a good Spratt now and then (not meant to be dirty, you dirty person!).
I didn't fail my midterms! I can function as an engineer! WOOOWOWOWOWOOWOWoooo.
Oh man guess what I want!?!?!
Just passed by two guys on bikes and heard them complaining about how their friend was going out with an ugly girl "her nose takes up all of her face and.. she doesn't have a chin, or it goes down in some weird way" and I was like ahhhhh I am your fellow bitch and compatriot. If your friend makes a bad relationship decision, by all means bash him/her behind your friend's back. As I said to Mike, the basis of all good gossip is people going out with each other...
Full Moon on the Quad... very interesting, that's all I have to say. I only had ONE guy ask me "are you a freshman?" Boo, do I look that washed up? (just kidding, I was dressed like a prude and surrounded by my friends most of the time. And getting sketched on is a bad thing, right?)
A reminder for everyone to please, stop yourself from being an idiot. This includes me. Some examples of idiots include:
Um, lack of things to say/think of/write about thanks to something called "midterms" that will be making my life hell until another thing called "finals" takes over. And somewhere in there will be another thing called "GRE subject test" which will do the job for awhile.
Random picture post...
If there were a physical entity that embodied ridiculous, never-ending work, that entity has just smacked me over the head with a large, blunt object.
Just now I saw a girl walking towards me and my first thought was "God, she has an ugly shirt on."
Why does everyone buy underwear at Victoria's Secret? Are they really that good? They're so expensive and yet EVERYONE buys it! I buy it! I get excited when they're on sale for 3 dollars for a stupid flimsy pair of underwear!
This is like, one of the best pictures ever. Me and Brian, last year.
So I'm taking a lot of engineering classes now, and at least 3 times this week I've had weird guys approach me and introduce themselves to me, citing some lame excuse to meet me. Like "my friend lives in your dorm. What's your name?" (WEIRD--because how the HELL do you know what dorm I live in, STALKER?), or "you're in my section" (Like, along with about 30 other people... I certainly didn't notice YOU in my section). Today in BMI section this group of 4 really awkward guys asked me & my homework partner (we do problem sets in pairs, and I'm partners with a very nice (female) CS/BMI coterm) if we'd formed groups for our projects yet... which luckily we have. Then they moved away and like, 10 minutes later approached us again and asked us what nationality we were (we're both asian, as were these guys). WEIRD! I HATE asian guys who approach asian girls because they feel like shared race/culture/looks makes them more "approachable" -- because we're not. We're actually not at all interested in someone who tries to pick us up on the basis of our race. And furthermore it's totally creepy. So get a life you sad losers!
I just had a synchronymous nerd moment with Rishi. I was talking to Rishi and our RCC asked us what the past tense of "lead" was, and how you spelled it. When he asked "are you sure "led" is spelled 'l-e-d' and not 'l-e-a-d'", I said, "no that's lead like..." and then both me and Rishi said "Pb".
My package came in the mail yesterday! It was exciiiiiting!
Um, if this is what the rest of the quarter is going to be like, this sucks. I'm taking 16 units but I have the most insane amount of work, plus I need to start studying for the MCAT and GRE.
Google maps now can zoom out to the whole world... And some parts are still pretty low res, but London, for example, is as high res as a lot of the places in the US. Still not as snazzy as Google Earth, but getting there.
I'm horrible at making myself go to bed early. Damn damn damn. Wanted to go to bed like an hour ago, and then wasted time on looking at designer handbags. My life is so sad.
Today I went on a nice walk... I'm proud of myself that I'm keeping up with my summer program of talking a 25 minute walk every day. It might be more like an hour every few days, but at least I'm still doing it. Trying to ban the slide into lump-dom that happened last year when I was skinny but in horrible shape.