I'm going crazy
Um, if this is what the rest of the quarter is going to be like, this sucks. I'm taking 16 units but I have the most insane amount of work, plus I need to start studying for the MCAT and GRE.
I need to go shopping. I'm going to go shopping this weekend. And buy some ... shoes. Or something.
And I want this plate! It has diatoms on it!

wheeeeeee diatoms

Oh. And also.. hm, I didn't do anything at all interesting today. Yesterday & today have been incredibly hectic.
Yesterday woke up 15 minutes before class started and had to haul ass to get to physics on time. Physics & EE went by & when I got back from lunch I realized that my shoes were here! Yay for ordering things online. So I went back home to get them (had them shipped over there) and ended up with a bag of snacks my mom gave me.. Then I had physics lab, which was pretty cool. Well, not exactly but the TA was basically like, "Ok, so if you just COME HERE and do the labs I have to pass you. So let's all just try to get out of lab early." THEN after lab I went to an EE section. Then I worked on problem sets until 12.
Much like today, when I had class/lab all day, then spent the afternoon doing more problem sets! And reading! And... getting the hugest headache ever!
BUT, Matt called me today! And that made me happy.
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