Pictures! This is what I've been busy doing the past few days.
I went to a genetics department retreat in Monterey. It was very cool and I had a good time hanging out with my labmates and making nerdy jokes. On Friday our lab was supposed to participate in a volleyball tournament, but being the wimpy computer scientists that we were (not able to compete with the studly biologists, apparently), we copped out and took a walk down to Fisherman's Wharf. Very fun.... Here's a group picture:

The people are (left to right) Russ (my professor/advisor), Alain (postdoc), Magda (grad student), me, Caroline (staff), Inbal (postdoc), and Genaro (rotation student). I also(AHEM Katherine) smashed a penny... with a sea turtle on it!

Um, this is a funny picture of Alain balancing beer on his head.

Then, on Friday I hauled all my stuff to my dorm. Yay for late night packing/unpacking. I also played with my Mexican jumping beans. Beans!

Finally, on Sunday I moved Matt's futon (which I'm babysitting for awhile--it says hi, Matt) into my room.

And the other side of my room....

That's all for now!
Yaaay beans!
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