Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Blogging at work like the cool kids do

Okay, so the formatting on this site isn't exactly (read: not at all) like what I want, but I should just post now & fix later.
So, first long-ish post... this is a blog mostly so I can keep in touch better with Matt, who's going to Chile in a few days for 6 months. I feel like it's too much to ask his fuzzy-ness to do a blog also... so whatever, I need to practice HTML anyways. Shit, I'm such a dork.
For those of you who didn't know, I've been working this summer in a Stanford lab doing bioinformatics research. Basically a lot of programming and once in awhile I have to know how proteins fold.. which is good news because I like programming more than bio sometimes. Other than that, I've been hanging out with my friends on campus, hitting up the Halo 2, and trying to see Matt as much as possible before he goes to Chile. And shopping. Ohhh man. The guy at the Salvation Army knows me now, and says, "see you next week" whenever I go in there. Embarrassing!
Hmmm my conscience tells me to keep working... okay, I lied, this isn't a long post after all.


Blogger Jeremy said...

Megan made a swear!! :-p

I think this is a great idea for keeping in touch, and I LOVE the name.

And just for the record (JFTR), fuzzies can blog. Kat is the fuzziest of them all, and she is the best blogger of them all. I mean, fancy HTML with stylesheets and blockquotes and embedded multimedia are nice, but when you get down to it, it's writing that makes the blog.

5:09 PM  

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