Neil was here! And. Everyone likes Spratt
More proof that everyone lurrrves a good Spratt now and then (not meant to be dirty, you dirty person!).

And. Neil was here, and hung out with us for awhile. Apparently it's some alumni thing, something to do with homecoming? (which btw we won! I mean, our football team won its first home game of the season and 3rd PAC-10 game, woot)
And I'm sure we did more than sit around and hug pillows, but it looks like that's about all we did. Mmm.. pillows and.. comfy futon.

And by the way, that futon is the worst thing that's happened to my study habits. I'm always sitting & reading on it and falling asleep. Oh, and in other bad news, I think I'm getting sick. Which is awful. Grrrr, it's because this stupid dorm is so COLD all the time! They haven't turned on the heat yet because it's not yet wintery enough to do it, but it's still cold as hell and the stupid idiots down the hall like to prop open the door to the outside balcony thing and let in cold air! Aurgh I'm going to ... um, be mad at them. But now I'm going to sleep.
Spratt Hatt!
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