Random picture post...
For all that want to know, here's my roommate Thanhthanh. Doing Math homework, as you can see. Fun stuff.

Hey, yes so I have decided that the timer on my camera is much too fun. I've been taking vain pictures of myself!

These two are the best. Don't worry, I didn't take that many.
And.. here's a cute doggie that I saw on the way to Physics office hours. It was sitting in a balcony of someone's office & when it saw two other dogs walk by it got excited and stuck its head through the bars of the balcony. Then it was like, "hey, this ain't so bad" and left its head there... either that or it was like, "oh crap, I'm stuck!!!"

Finally, I think this is the best road sign ever:

They might as well have written on it "DIE BITCHES."
Hhahaha @ "DIE BITCHES," I've long been an admirer of that sign.
I like your pictures. Do this again some time.
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