Saturday, October 08, 2005


So I'm taking a lot of engineering classes now, and at least 3 times this week I've had weird guys approach me and introduce themselves to me, citing some lame excuse to meet me. Like "my friend lives in your dorm. What's your name?" (WEIRD--because how the HELL do you know what dorm I live in, STALKER?), or "you're in my section" (Like, along with about 30 other people... I certainly didn't notice YOU in my section). Today in BMI section this group of 4 really awkward guys asked me & my homework partner (we do problem sets in pairs, and I'm partners with a very nice (female) CS/BMI coterm) if we'd formed groups for our projects yet... which luckily we have. Then they moved away and like, 10 minutes later approached us again and asked us what nationality we were (we're both asian, as were these guys). WEIRD! I HATE asian guys who approach asian girls because they feel like shared race/culture/looks makes them more "approachable" -- because we're not. We're actually not at all interested in someone who tries to pick us up on the basis of our race. And furthermore it's totally creepy. So get a life you sad losers!
It's like they've never seen or talked to a girl before. And while I'm being mean because they probably don't know any better, well... they should. Blah, and stop hitting on me like a creepy loser. That's it. All engineering guys are creepy losers.
I mean, except my guy friends that are engineers. And um, the nice ones. Like the one in physics office hours that helped me with my problem set.

Also, I feel bad because one of the sophomores who was Roble frosh last year (Terry, if you know who I'm talking about) said hi to me the other day in E40, and I assumed it was another creepy person so I sort of looked away.. and then I had to apologize to him later when I realized I played Halo with him a lot last year.


Blogger seabeans said...

Eww, totally.

One time this creepy loser working the cashier at McWhorter's insisted that he knew me from "his class at De Anza." I was like, sure you did, because I went to Stanford!

They should have a class required for all EE and CS males: Sociology 123: How not to gross people out when you're hitting on them. You can pass out of it by taking the placement test at the beginning of the quarter where you have to ask a studio art major for her phone number and if she kicks you, you have to take the class.

Also, next time someone asks what your "nationality" is, ask them "how tall are you?" Especially if they're short.

2:18 AM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

"All engineering guys are creepy losers."

It's attitudes like that that absolutely terrify us, even the nice, uncreepy ones. Paralyzed into inactivity, we become incapable of learning or improving.

Why not just be a bit flattered by their attention? They might make you feel temporarily uncomfortable, but give them the credit for at least making an attempt to be social.

2:46 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

Oh, hm, well I suppose I got carried away in my rant.
I guess being an asian girl, I get a lot of crap from asian guys who go up to me and ask me if I'm from China or Japan. Would it be acceptable to go up to a white girl and ask her if she was English, Swedish, or German as a way of introducing yourself?

1:34 PM  
Blogger seabeans said...

You didn't get carried away, I completely agree with what you said. I'm about as flattered by unwanted attention as I am flattered by mosquitoes buzzing around my head. If someone wants to hit on a girl without being told he's a loser, he shouldn't act like one. Or maybe he should practice-hit on some desperate, homely girls who won't tell him to go away. It's neither my problem nor my responsibility to help him improve his dating skills if I don't even want to talk to him.

Also, there are things you shouldn't say to total strangers, and one of these things is "what's your race?" This has nothing to do with dating, it's called not being an idiot.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

I agree with that. Asking about race/nationality is lame, intrusive, and fundamentally misguided in my book.

I guess I should be glad about the engineering male losers. They help make up for the gender ratio.

I wasn't trying to be too critical. I just wanted to point out the irony of the situation--an attractive person has to suffer the advances of the entire population, but wouldn't trade it for the alternative. And I got defensive on behalf of my gender/line of work (though I'd be the first to admit that the stigma has some basis in reality). To put it in perspective, I think if you heard a guy complaining about being hit on by a class of girls he found unattractive, you'd probably feel a bit indignant too.

OK, that's enough turning your blog read by four people into a discussion forum. At 4am. On a Sunday night. Horaay for my morning lecture being available online later.

3:50 AM  
Blogger seabeans said...

Ooo, this is funny: I had this male friend in college who used to complain a lot about ugly/crazy/republican-newspaper-writing chicks hitting on him (it didn't offend me btw). The girls were worse when it came down to being disgusting and shameless. He was the RCC, and this one trampy girl would tell him to come over and fix her computer, but when he went over to her room she would be sitting there topless. On purpose!

12:14 PM  

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