Saturday, May 27, 2006

Summer Movies

A few months ago there were no good movies out--I remember wanting to go to the movie theater a few times but not going simply because there was nothing I wanted to see. Luckily, it's summer again, and they're coming out with all the fancy/famous movies again! I saw the Da Vinci Code last week--it was a lot of fun, but not as great as I feel like it could have been. Went to see X-Men 3 today, which was a lot of fun! (Better than the DVC, at least.) But what I'm really excited about is next weekend, when The Omen comes out. Matt actually agreed to come see it with me, which is amazing because he HATES horror movies and tries to discourage me from seeing them also. I have this weird love/hate thing with horror movies: I always want to go see them, and I love them, but afterwards I get freaked out and will have random panic attacks/insomnia/etc as a result. I'm not talking about stupid slashers, like Scream or even The Ring. Those scare me, but they don't get into my head. The ones that really get to me are the classic horror movies that are more filled with creepy little kids than blood. Like, last night I was trying to go to bed, and suddenly could not fall asleep because I kept thinking about the two little girls in The Shining. Which I last saw TWO YEARS AGO. Oh well. I can always sleep with... the lights on?
Anyways, this one should be good, so if anyone wants to come with me this weekend they're invited!

EDIT: My bad, it's coming out on the 6th (6/6/06: cute, huh?), which I think is a week from Tuesday. So probably not until after finals, around the 14th of June.

Friday, May 26, 2006


I haven't gone to bed before 3 for three weeks. I've been going off of 6 hours of sleep a night, but lately I've been lucky if I can get that.
Everyone just go away. Leave me alone so I can get some sleep.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Don't know if I've mentioned this before, but this website is my bible:

Go Fug Yourself

Sweet bashing of ridiculous celebrity outfits. Updated more than daily... pretty much makes my day every time.

Sort of Sick

Lately I've been wasting a lot of time browsing these Xanga blogrings I found of people with anorexia. It's really creepy--these girls set these up for "ana" (anorexic) or "mia" (bulimic) people and they all talk about how little they ate and how their moms tried to force them to eat and how they're lying at therapy about eating! And then they all post helpful comments like "Stick in there and fast a few more days, hun, you'll get under 100!" (lbs). It's pretty terrible, the way they give each other "tips" for fasting and getting out of eating ("forget" your lunch money every day so you have an excuse for not eating with your friends??!? Putting a cup under the table between your legs and slipping your dinner into it so your parents think you're eating?!?!?). And they all have these pictures of the Olsen twins and Nicole Richie plastered all over them, as "thinspiration"!! These girls IDOLIZE Mary Kate Olsen for "achieving" anorexia, even though she admitted herself that she had a problem and was hospitalized for it! I don't even know why I want to read these things, only I feel like there's something that someone should be doing about them. I mean, if only these people's parents could read the messed up crap they write about... They could send them to the psych lockdown unit at the hospital and force feed them Ensure.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Parrot Parrot!

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inflatable parrot = love

Friday, May 19, 2006

It's Late

I have two thoughts:
1. Sleep is for the weak and lame. Bah, who needs to sleep.
2. Programmers are incredibly hot and sexy.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Today, and a Little Bit of Every Day

My days have become super monotonous. Wake up at 9 every day, go to class, come back, and do work all day, with a few meals in between. I really don't do anything else, unless I have time to go shopping on Saturday. Sometimes if I'm feeling wild I'll go to Sweet Hall and program there with my fellow CS107-ers, but lately, no. Just lots of studying. I think the people in my hall think that all I do is this:

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Literally, at any given time, I will be sitting in this chair wearing these shorts and an old navy tank top. And staring at my computer. Whee.

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Or I'll be slumped over.

Anyways, today sort of sucked because I woke up and noticed that my beloved flowering stone cactus has some weird brown spot on it that's getting bigger. Help! What am I supposed to do? I'm terrible at taking care of plants, I really really have no idea what's wrong.
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Here he is in all his sadness. Damn, am I supposed to be cutting off the dead part? Keeping it in the sun? Taking it out of the sun?

And also, today I was having lunch at the Treehouse with Matt and at the table next to us there was a guy who ATE one of these worms!:
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His friend was all betting he wouldn't do it, and then was like "would you eat one of the cocoons" (because the worms are mostly in cocoons right now), but then it turned into just eating a caterpillar. After surprisingly little hesitation he got one from a nearby statue & the guy put hot sauce on it and chewed it up! I kept wavering between really wanting to see him eat it, and feeling sort of grossed out. Eventually he ate it as we were just leaving, and I had to watch. Come on, I have a morbid curiosity in things like that.
I wonder what they taste like? The hot sauce was a pretty good idea (get rid of some of the bad taste? Do they even taste bad?) I wonder how many oak worms get eaten at Stanford because of bets--they're really all over, and I've already bet someone to eat one (they didn't take the bet).. probably happens all the time.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Thank You, URO

$10,000 grant approved! Nope, didn't add an extra zero accidentally.
Of course, I'm sharing this grant with Joe, my awesome lab partner in crime, but man, that sounds nice. Ten thousand. I'm still getting over it.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


On Thursday night we went to "Thirsty Thursdays" (50 cent games, 4 dollar pitchers of beer) at the bowling alley with like 10 other people. It was pretty fun, even though I didn't feel like bowling (hehe, I know, I'm lame) and I didn't drink at all because I was driving. I went to Palo Alto Bowl a decent amount in high school, like when we ditched dances and stuff, but I've never been there late at night with a bunch of drunk people.

Anyways, here's Matt bowling. His name on the bowling screen (you know, the little TV where they have your scores) was "Stinkeles," which was pretty apt because he was really bad most of the night.
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I feel like this is a pretty bad picture of me, but I was so eager for someone to take a picture of my shoes. Steve's girlfriend liked them! That was exciting!
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And here's my walrus. He wanted to come along too, but he didn't bowl. He hid in my pocket.
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Guys are Clueless

My old bathing suit was getting a little small (hm, I'd like to think that it shrank when I put it in the washing machine..) so I got another one at Marshalls. The funny part is that I was surfing the net for price comparisons & I found a picture of it:
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Look carefully. This mannequin MUST have been dressed by a guy because the top is on upside down! The part that's supposed to go around your neck is around the waist, and vice versa. Yikes.
Guys, don't try this at home.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ridiculously Ridiculously Good Draw Number!

Woohoo, 2 years of getting semi-shafted in the draw have paid off: I got a 93! I'm almost definitely living in Roble next year (close to classes, I have a bunch of friends living there, and I'll definitely get a single). Should be pretty sweet.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Midterms suck

CS107 midterm.. I fear you.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Worried Chicken Leg/Adam

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I think this is pretty funny.

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This is a picture of the many Tomstones I have (minus the one who lives in my car.. he politely declined to be in this group picture).

This is a really random picture, but a few weekends ago I went to this "orange" party at one of Matt's friends houses in Woodside. Everything/everyone was orange. Note the alcohol dyed orange in the foreground.
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Goddamn Zebra Pillow

Alright, it's 3 am and I have to get up at 9. But I'm posting a picture of my zebra pillow because I'm just really nice. OK??? Hmph.

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Oh, and Elizabeth visited for admit weekend! I didn't get to see her for too long (frown), but in the little bit of time she was here, she got to experience the zebra pillow.. and Sweetie Pea.
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Ok, I have a bad habit. The week before MCATs I got these:
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And then. They had a sale at Macys.. and my brown suede ballet flats are starting to get a hole in the side because I wear them constantly. So I got these:
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Paid for by uncle Leland Stanford... woot for ASSU refunds.

No comment on the bag I bought last weekend. No one.. needs to know about that.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


I have seriously been trying to update this for the past few days. But NOTHING has been happening to me. Unless you want to hear about how I progammed or did my problem set or something. Maybe I'll be less lazy and upload my pictures to my computer... then I can update with some nonsense.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Is there anything wrong..

..with programming on a Friday night? I think not.