Saturday, May 27, 2006

Summer Movies

A few months ago there were no good movies out--I remember wanting to go to the movie theater a few times but not going simply because there was nothing I wanted to see. Luckily, it's summer again, and they're coming out with all the fancy/famous movies again! I saw the Da Vinci Code last week--it was a lot of fun, but not as great as I feel like it could have been. Went to see X-Men 3 today, which was a lot of fun! (Better than the DVC, at least.) But what I'm really excited about is next weekend, when The Omen comes out. Matt actually agreed to come see it with me, which is amazing because he HATES horror movies and tries to discourage me from seeing them also. I have this weird love/hate thing with horror movies: I always want to go see them, and I love them, but afterwards I get freaked out and will have random panic attacks/insomnia/etc as a result. I'm not talking about stupid slashers, like Scream or even The Ring. Those scare me, but they don't get into my head. The ones that really get to me are the classic horror movies that are more filled with creepy little kids than blood. Like, last night I was trying to go to bed, and suddenly could not fall asleep because I kept thinking about the two little girls in The Shining. Which I last saw TWO YEARS AGO. Oh well. I can always sleep with... the lights on?
Anyways, this one should be good, so if anyone wants to come with me this weekend they're invited!

EDIT: My bad, it's coming out on the 6th (6/6/06: cute, huh?), which I think is a week from Tuesday. So probably not until after finals, around the 14th of June.


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