Guys are Clueless
My old bathing suit was getting a little small (hm, I'd like to think that it shrank when I put it in the washing machine..) so I got another one at Marshalls. The funny part is that I was surfing the net for price comparisons & I found a picture of it:

Look carefully. This mannequin MUST have been dressed by a guy because the top is on upside down! The part that's supposed to go around your neck is around the waist, and vice versa. Yikes.
Guys, don't try this at home.
Man, there's a lot of opportunities for untying accidents with this one though.
And non-accidental "funny tricks on Megan."
Or are they fake ties that are actually sewn shut?
Hmm.. my friends don't tend to think that untying is funny. Hopefully not. But I can always double-knot. (because they are real ties).
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