Saturday, May 13, 2006


On Thursday night we went to "Thirsty Thursdays" (50 cent games, 4 dollar pitchers of beer) at the bowling alley with like 10 other people. It was pretty fun, even though I didn't feel like bowling (hehe, I know, I'm lame) and I didn't drink at all because I was driving. I went to Palo Alto Bowl a decent amount in high school, like when we ditched dances and stuff, but I've never been there late at night with a bunch of drunk people.

Anyways, here's Matt bowling. His name on the bowling screen (you know, the little TV where they have your scores) was "Stinkeles," which was pretty apt because he was really bad most of the night.
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I feel like this is a pretty bad picture of me, but I was so eager for someone to take a picture of my shoes. Steve's girlfriend liked them! That was exciting!
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And here's my walrus. He wanted to come along too, but he didn't bowl. He hid in my pocket.
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Blogger seabeans said...

Nice shoes! Do they hurt as much as the other Keds flats?

8:04 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

These shoes are way less stiff than the other ones and have a wider opening at the top, so they're actually more comfortable, although as always they have zero arch support. Better than flip-flops, though.

10:46 PM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

Walrusses can bowl, but they need custom balls with tusk-holes.

2:20 PM  

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