Fun Weekend
This past weekend has been pretty awesome. On Friday I went on a belated shopping trip and got myself a *present* for being traumatized by exams/MCAT/etc. Don't worry, it was less than $100... Then we went to sushi(ya) and had an awesome dinner + gelatto. And I found parking right next to the place, too, even though PA was ridiculously crowded.
Then on Saturday we got up at 5 am and drove to Sacramento with some people from my dorm to go white water rafting! I'd never been rafting before, and it was really cool. Sort of scary, but I didn't fall out of the boat, even when we almost tipped over going into this one rapid. The water was really cold, so they had us in these funny wetsuits and jackets. Great experience, and I'd definitely want to go again!
Now I'm back on campus and doing work, boo. I have tons of crap to do, but I'm not complaining because since MCATs are over I feel a lot less stressed out and laid back about everything. I think it's because I don't feel like things that I'm doing now will directly determine whether or not I can go to my top choice med school, which was the case with the MCAT.
The one thing that's making me worried is my roommate: she's been having some issues with her health, and even though she's been in the hospital twice in the past month, she's refusing to stop out and take the quarter off. I've been talking with the Residence Dean for the past few weeks, and I hope they can convince her to take a leave of absence, because I really do believe that's what is best for her. It makes me sad because she's a really nice, motivated, bright person, but a lot of the time people can't do what's best for themselves.
Alright, back to work.. have to finish my part of a group presentation for this paper reading session on Tuesday...