Sunday, April 23, 2006

MCATs are over!

So I'm finally done with my MCAT! I've decided I'm never taking it again, even if I did dismally, because I think I'd rather just apply to grad school and get a straight PhD then bother taking it again and missing the rolling admissions and stuff. As to how it was, it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that fun. It really did reaffirm my belief that doctors/biologists have a poor sense of the more mathematical sciences. For example, one question asked if the Lorentz force varied with sin of theta, cosine of theta, tangent of theta, or theta. Now, I had no idea what the Lorentz force was, but I was pretty sure it was a cross product equation (all E & M equations are). But the funny thing is that since premeds aren't expected to know calculus past simple derivatives and integrals, in the (patsy) premed science classes they give them cross product equations in the form A x B = A*B*sin(theta). So of course the answer they wanted you to give was sin of theta, although they didn't realize that sin increases as tangent which also increases as theta. So really the answer was all three of those, but with different constants. Hmph.
So now that I'm done being stupid and superior (which I have to stop doing, because it makes me sound like an ass), I get to worry about a physics midterm tomorrow! Which I haven't started studying for because of MCATs! Dammit. Time to get back to my life, which has been on hold for the past three months or so.
Oh, and also, I had the worse scare EVER yesterday.. on Friday I felt a little off, and my stomach felt really bad. I thought it might have been just nerves, and on Saturday (test day) when I felt worse I didn't think much of it. But today when I woke up, I felt super terrible and had signs of either a little food poisoning or a gastrointestinal virus (you fill in the details) which lasted all morning and a little into the afternoon. Thank GOD I didn't have this yesterday, that would have been pretty disasterous.


Blogger seabeans said...

Durrr...gaah. I have no idea what you're talking about.

2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i took the same form as you did. for the last passage on the verbal (about the psychology experiment).. there was one question about why did he/she perform the second experiment. did you put down to isolate the cause from the first experiment?

11:35 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

Hmmm.. I think we did get the same forms, but frankly I don't remember the answer to that question. I think I've shut the whole experience out of my head >___<.
And I took the whole exam not knowing that everyone in the room was getting different exam forms. How did they do that--it was so seamless!

12:07 PM  

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