Third Post in One Night?
Ok, I was weird and I didn't put all the pictures into one long post. But I felt like they didn't belong all mashed together. I'M OCD, OK, SO DEAL WITH IT!
Today was me & Matt's 2 year anniversary. Um, at least we think because we actually don't remember if it really is. And maybe we should change it, because it's also his PARENTS' anniversary, and that's really creepy. But we celebrated by going to In & Out, which should be one of those official anniversary presents. You know, like 25 is silver and like, third is paper or some crap like that. Well, I wouldn't want paper. They should make it In & Out instead of paper.
On a completely unrelated note I got this bag of weird asian snacks that had rice crackers and honey cake things (those little potato starch balls) and cookies and one pack of this chip thing called "Lonely God". I'm serious, look at this:

What the hell? That's weird. And who the hell is that weird kid in the picture? And is he flying over some European town or something? I can't handle it.
Also, I went to Old Navy and got some tank tops, and I swore I was a size extra-small, because that's the size I get every time I buy these tank tops. The extra-smalls were like, tiny though, and, to cut a boring story short, I still bought them because I didn't want to get the smalls because that would make me feel "big" (ok, I admit I bought a smaller size to make myself feel better) and after a day of wearing one, it stretched out to double the size. So I got the right size after all, and Old Navy should put some disclaimer on their clothes to buy a size smaller because it's gonna stretch like (insert bad your mom joke here).
If you're still caring, here's a picture of "before" and "after":

I dunno, it makes ME weirded out.
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