Saturday, December 31, 2005


Um, not much going on... too lazy to post.. too lazy to do anything... have to pack tomorrow because I'm going to Houston on Monday... be back next Sunday... ummmmm uuuuurrrrg hehehe holiday lethargy. And MCAT studying.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Linux box!

Finally am getting around to installing my wireless card on my linux box. Turns out it's either ridiculously easy or ridiculously complicated--some kind souls write drivers for wireless cards that you can just download and go with.. the rest of us (me included) get to download the generic driver-thingy-wrapper which you have to configure for your specific card. Funnnnn! Ha ha, it's part of my everlasting drive to convince other people I'm more hardcore then they are! And probably.. in the process... convince them that I'm a much bigger looooser than they are too. Yes!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

At home

Um, not much to say besides the fact that I'm at home, eating a lot, reading a lot, and shopping a lot!
Good news, PA courts ruled that intelligent design isn't "science", hmph, I could have told you that, don't even want to get started on that.
And I finally got silver ballet shoes... god help me, they were cheap and cute, and... aurgh! I'm sorry!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Done with Finals!

Whew, today was a marathon, up at 7 for my 8:30 final, another final at 12:15, and then... freedom. I don't think I've had a coherent thought for three weeks. Now I can concentrate on MCATs.. mmm, standardized tests.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


An hour before my physics final! Going to die! ARRRRRRRUGH!
Also, I think I have TB.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Weird sick

I've been "sick" for the past week and a half, but I don't know if it counts as sick. It's weird. Started out as waking up with a sore throat, it going away, and then coming back at night. This happened for about 4 days, then I started getting this weird weird cough. Just loud and awful sometimes, but most of the time I feel fine and my throat doesn't hurt anymore. Now I lost my sense of smell. I think I'm slowly falling apart. I hope I can make it through finals, eep!
Maybe I have a tumor!

Oh, and I'm also going to Houston in early January. I get to visit my grandmother and my crazy aunt and her tofu factory! Woohoo. And see my uncle from Canada also. Should be fun, hopefully I won't be sick anymore when I go.
But that means I don't get to see Matt for a week more! Sucks! Oh well, he's been gone for so long that another week won't make a difference? Hopefully? I'm sorry I planned a trip the week you were supposed to come down and visit me, Matt!

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Everyone, stop complaining about how much work you have! We're all in the same crap boat together (at Stanford at least) and we all have a ton of work.. btw, no one get offended because I'm not referencing any one conversation I've had with anyone lately. It's just that everyone only talks about how much work they have. Me included. I complain like hell. I should just shut up and.. get back to work, hehe.
By the way, why the hell am I updating so much (three times in one day) when I have a (oops, I said it) ungodly amount of work to do? Who the hell knows?
Oh, and there's a 70% chance that by the end of the summer I will have one of these on my lap (probably a smaller one.. hopefully...)
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Woot for going to China hopefully and even more hopefully going to the panda bear preserve where the Chinese government wants money from tourists so badly that you can pay to have a panda bear on your laaaaaap! whew.


Apparently Stanford union workers are going on strike during finals week.. Um, this sucks. They're closing lots of dining halls & facilities.. luckily they're going to still do some basic cleaning in our dorms. Arugh! blahrarurgh. I don't even know who's right.

Done with One.. Four to Go

Done with that awful Bio GRE, don't even want to think about it because it was harrrd and um, now I have to study for finals. My schedule looks pretty funnnn:
Monday: BMI 3:30-6:30
Tuesday: Physics 3:30-6:30
Wednesday: E40 8:30-11:30, Biochem 12:15-3:15
And then I'm moving back home and being super lame for awhile (sleep, MCAT, linux box, yup).

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Ok, so I usually like J Crew stuff, but this is just retarded.

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YOU'RE WEARING A HUGE TUGBOAT ON YOUR SWEATER. This is not "cute" or "whimsical," it's more like you're paying $150 to dress like your mommy picked this out for you to wear before she sent you off to daycare.

My christmas present!

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Isn't he cute? I've asked about 3 people for this so hopefully I'll get a bunch and they can be my friends! Because.. apparently.. I have no other friends (sob).

Basketball is rapidly turning LAME

Seriously, we keep losing to 2nd rate teams. Like, um, UC Irvine, Montana, and now UC Davis? Stupid kids storming the court when they beat us have no idea that it's not that much of an accomplishment, because really, we suck. And at least I'm not going to college in Irvine (ok, that was bitchy. please though, give me that one consolation).

Also, everyone leave me alone because I HAVE HAVE HAVE to get a good grade in physics so I'm like studying constantly for my final and also I'm sort of freaked out about my GRE on Saturday.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Matt's coming back from chile in less than a month!

Yes, and apparently I can't make myself study for physics or really do any work at all. Took a practice bio GRE today and um. Yeah. Totally numb.
And I made a weird facebook album because, well, as I said, I can't make myself study for physics.
And I went to Taco Bell yesterday! For the first time since the summer. And it was totally amazing! and then afterwards I had the best conversation with Terry about Asian snacks and Taiwanese squid on a stick..

Friday, December 02, 2005


Getting sick. Finals. GRE. ARUGH!