Everyone, stop complaining about how much work you have! We're all in the same crap boat together (at Stanford at least) and we all have a ton of work.. btw, no one get offended because I'm not referencing any one conversation I've had with anyone lately. It's just that everyone only talks about how much work they have. Me included. I complain like hell. I should just shut up and.. get back to work, hehe.
By the way, why the hell am I updating so much (three times in one day) when I have a (oops, I said it) ungodly amount of work to do? Who the hell knows?
Oh, and there's a 70% chance that by the end of the summer I will have one of these on my lap (probably a smaller one.. hopefully...)

Woot for going to China hopefully and even more hopefully going to the panda bear preserve where the Chinese government wants money from tourists so badly that you can pay to have a panda bear on your laaaaaap! whew.
Ooh, ooh! I have surprisingly little work at the moment, especially considering finals are about to hit! You can kill me later. Maybe you can also make a noise like "fouuhjk" when you do, because that would be awesome (that was the verification word for posting a comment, but it seemed a shame to let it pass by unnoticed).
coherency = k/hours awake
Since when are you going to China? Is Tracy going?
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