I'm way more busy now that midterms are over... thought that wasn't possible. I guess it's because I kept pushing things back (like research and my BMI group project and studying for GREs) until after midterms and now I suddenly have a ridiculous amount of stuff to do. At least I don't feel like DEATH constantly. That is good.
Also, I have a whole week off of school! And Kath is coming home for Thanksgiving! And I have jury duty, boooo. Hopefully I won't get picked because well, I'm a horrible person that probably shouldn't be judging other people. Heck, I can't even handle my own life.
I need to go shopping again. Next week, next week.
I also need to go on another adventure and take some pictures. For now, this adventure happened in the tiniest hotel bathroom ever when we were staying in London..
Tracy demonstrates how small the shower is.

I demonstrate how small the toilet area is.

Unfortunately I don't have a picture of it, but the toilet was about two feet from the shower. The sink was in between, and was about three feet from the door. Mustve been someone's friggin broom closet before, because our parents' room's bathroom was huge.
And speaking of ridiculously tiny bathrooms, I have to take a picture of the stall in the Terman Engineering Annex (Thornton). I'm tempted to go into the guy's bathroom and see if their stalls are also tiny. Like, seriously the door is about 2/3 the size of a normal one, and it's so cramped that the first time I went there I tried to flush the toilet with my foot and kicked the garbage container that was in there and bruised my foot and was generally truamatized. I bet if you were fat enough, you'd just get stuck in there. That would be bad. Must be because the engineers have never actually encountered a girl, so they were like "oh, girls.. they're small, right?"
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