This weekend!
Eeeeeeh so I've finally emerged from my horrible weeks of hell and I don't have another midterm for about a week (although I have a ton of psets... but no pressure, right?).
Anyways. On Friday, I went shopping. Again. And I bought Keds, AGAIN, but they're less silly than the other ones that I own.

They're actually a much darker color than it looks like in the picture. And they're SO comfy, and totally Katherine-sanctioned. Which... wouldn't stop me from getting the green floral ballet flats if they're on sale.. hm, hmmm....
And then on Saturday, after doing a stupid E40 pset for waaay too long and studying biochem until I thought I was going to cry, I hung out with Shane and Hoff! We went to In & Out. Yum!
Apparently you can't take Hoff anywhere because he does things that creep out other people. Ha ha, just kidding Hoff.. err. Anyways, I think I took a random picture of Hoff talking. Just to prove that he was there.

Shane! Don't eat me... I'm not as tasty as an In & Out hamburger!

Apparently I can't take a normal picture because Hoff was talking to me as he was taking our picture and I look weirded out. Or just weird.
they have the green shoes at Macy's...danger danger
you're totally stuck on one brand. Snap out of it!
Mmm... green day sweatshirt and me talking. What else could you want in a picture, or, indeed, in life?
My word to verify is "mxywaps." Hehe. Mxy waps!
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