Monday, September 11, 2006

Matt decides he likes the cat

Matt never had furry pets growing up... his dad had a parrot, who was really cool and interactive but not a cuddly, cutesy sort of pet. I don't think he fully "got" why people keep pets like dogs or cats, and I think he was sort of grossed out by the shedding. However, a little while ago, Matt started paying more attention to my cat; he would walk up to him and say hi, then sit next to him and pet him. He even started picking him up! The other day I asked him why he liked the cat all of a sudden and Matt said, "I didn't know he was so soft." Now he wants to touch the orange cat, although that one's not so tame (or soft).
Ha, figures.

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Blogger seabeans said...

haha, that's because Muffin is all fancy and feels like alpaca!

I remember Matt told us he had sheep count as furry pets?

2:20 AM  

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