Wow, adults really suck
For med school, I needed five recommendation letters (four of them were from professors), and I'm probably going to ask for a sixth. I asked for all these letters in early June, and as of last Thursday, two of them had not been turned in. AURGH! This after I had harassed one of the people for like, two weeks before. The thing that really makes me mad is that I like all these people, and I had to be constantly popping up in their offices for about two weeks, and I hope they don't think I'm irritating now.
Anyways. Hopefully it'll all be sorted out soon. Because my earliest application is due on the 22nd, and that's not giving me too much time...
Two other totally unrelated things:
Matt had never seen the Monty Python Spam sketch, so I showed it to him and he loved it. The part where they show the viking ship really cracked us up.

Also, I saw a Macy's ad where this model was wearing god-awful Seven for All Mankind skinny jeans (with zippers on the bottom! God help us all!) and she looked FAT. That made me laugh. Anyone with the tiniest bit of thigh fat should stay away from this terribly unflattering trend. I refuse to touch the things.

"Oooh! Let's spend $170 so that our legs will look terrible! Wheee!"
You have to remind them many many times, and they probably won't get mad at you. I have to do the reminding for our P.I.'s whenever they're supposed to write a letter...sometimes they just forget (over and over). Also: lie about when it's due. This actually works.
I had zippered ankle jeans in fifth grade, they were so ugly and everyone rolled them up at the bottom too. Nobody is fat in fifth grade, but it still looked stupid.
I actually did lie about when it was due. Still didn't do it until a month later.
Oh well, he's an old professor who wears funny sweater vests and checks his e-mail twice a month. What can you expect?
And am I a bad person for sort of liking her shoes? Even though her pants suck?
but they're WEDGES! I thought you were anti-wedge.
No, I'm anti-wedges on sandals. They remind me of espadrilles. I'm starting to like wedges on close-toed, close-backed shoes.
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