Thanksgiving break
I have a week off for Thanksgiving break. I'm still not sure how I feel about this extended break thing... since we have a week, all my friends have gone home, but no other colleges get such long breaks, so my high school friends won't come home until Thursday, if at all.
Anyways, I started off break by sleeping only 4 hours because I had something due the Friday before break. Stayed up late doing it, woke up early to finish, and felt generally terrible. On Saturday I had a fun day: went to Berkeley in the morning to go shopping at Jeremy's with Matt, hung out with Mike (at a Brazilian sandwich shack, no less), then went with Matt to SF. Among other things, in SF we got tangled up in nasty traffic (the SoMA area is ridiculous with its one way streets, short lights, and obnoxious drivers who all know what they're doing), went to the OTHER Jeremy's (I admit it... I dragged Matt to the SF one also!), and went to the top of Twin Peaks. I've never been up there, and we saw a really nice view of the city. I also wanted to hang out on Castro Street, but realized that the only good thing to do there was shop at thrift stores, which would just be cruel after Matt was nice enough to take me shopping elsewhere. Then we drove back home and saw Casino Royale, which was awesome.
Now Matt's on a week long surf trip in SoCal (which is lame... lame!) and my sister is visiting. Hopefully this break I'll get to sleep a lot and go to some cool places. Unfortunately my camera's been neglected in my drawer, so I haven't been able to take/post pictures for the last month or two. It's my way of hiding the fact that I have no life and spend my days doing lame things.
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