Friday, July 07, 2006

Stupid phone

My phone is dying! Today a weird orange pixel showed up, then as the day progressed, it spread so now there's an orange spot on my screen, and it's getting bigger. I called Samsung customer service, and they said that IF the problem is under warranty (which runs out in less than a month), they can fix my phone but only if I send the phone to TEXAS where their service center is, and then it'll take them about THREE WEEKS to evaluate it, etc, not to mention shipping time which I will have to pay for. BOO! Stupid phone with problems! Tomorrow I'm going to the Cingular store, to see if I can't hassle something better out of them.


Blogger seabeans said...

Quick, train your phone to do voice recognition and you'll never have to look at the screen again!

And then you can keep using it even with the giant orange blob in the way.

1:20 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

My phone doesn't have voice recognition... I'm either going to have to use my old phone for a year or decide if I want to spend $150 on a new phone (which will be crappy because when you buy new phones without plans they're super expensive). This whole situation makes me mad.

10:10 AM  

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