Thursday, June 29, 2006

Settling into a routine

Past few days have been uneventful.. I've started going to class (at 9 am, no less--I hate early classes) and then going to work at my lab--same research job I had last year, only now I have my own snazzy new project. I've also been working on my medical school application quite a bit, although lately I've been coming home, having dinner, and falling asleep at 8:00 and then waking up and wasting time doing god knows what on the internet. I seriously have to ban myself from the internet or something, I feel like hours of my day get sucked away looking at ebay or my friends' blogs, or whatnot. This weekend I vow to hang out more with friends, starting with Friday night when I'm taking Terry out to dinner at Tofu House (long story, but basically always wants to go there and no one else does), and then on Saturday I'm going to a barbecue thingy with Mike.
Also, on Monday my parents are going to London. Their friends got them some tickets for Wimbledon, so they're going to watch tennis for a few days and then go see some shows in London, and maybe travel around England a little. I'm sort of jealous but then again I hate watching tennis and I'm having a good time here.
What else--on Saturday my high school friend Angela is getting back from a year-long stint in Europe. I'm pretty excited about seeing her... she'll definitely have some crazy stories to tell.
And, the other day someone was talking to us about their summer plans, and they were like, "Oh, you know, I'm just doing research, studying for the MCAT," and when they said "MCAT" I seriously had this freak-out moment and started panicking about how I didn't remember organic chemistry, etc, and it took me a few seconds to realize I've already taken it. Talk about a traumatic experience.
This post is sort of long and rambly and boring... so I'm going to let it die off right here....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When do you get scores, though?

5:24 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

Oh, I already got my scores. Like, 2 months after I took it.

11:57 PM  

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