Yay, I'm living on 1C next year! Wonderful single, near a lot of friends. There are like, 12 people from Roble freshman year, I'm totally excited!!!!
Ugh, and the other day I got FLEAS in my room. How gross, right? So I had to call my mom and she put boric acid all over my room. Yuck yuck... hey I'm not THAT dirty, I was just running around in the fields a bunch and I probably got one attached to my pants leg or something. Matt was taking me to see a really big thistle (it was really big, like twice the size of me)...
Random picture of me after I vacuumed my room. I forgot to get a picture of the vacuum--it was this super-old funny cannister vacuum.

EDIT: I don't know why I just put that picture up. I think I just feel like I should post with pictures more often, but I don't have any new pictures except this one.
Yay C wing! I will come bother you all the time on the way up and down from 2C. :-D
I'm calling you "Megan de las Pulgas" from now on.
And I have no idea where 1C is.
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