Sunday, June 04, 2006

Applying for Medical School Sucks!

So... I've finally decided that I want to go do Md/PhD after college, unless I get terrible MCAT scores and decide that I have no chance of getting into my top choice. We'll see, they get here in the middle of June so if I mysteriously start talking about applying for "grad" school and not "med" school you know I flopped! Right now it looks like I want to go as FAR away from here as possible, so although Stanford and UCSF (hehe, dream on, right? those are super hard to get into) are going to be applied to, I would rather go somewhere on the east coast. Get away from Palo Alto for awhile, you know?

Anyways, I've been busy writing my personal statement.. and I really hate it (the process of writing it). What the hell am I going to say that's different from the billions of other people who are applying? "I want to help people, I like the idea that I can make a difference in people's lives, blah blah". I mean, it's all the same, and I feel like I'm trying to dance around these few statements and imply them but not actually say them.

And finals are coming up. This year has sucked in terms of work.. I hope next school year I'm going to have more time to be a real person, instead of sitting in my chair all day.

In happier news, I'm leaving on the 14th with Matt to go to Humboldt! I'm going to eat cheese, go to the (cold) beach and maybe the (warm) river, and pet his mom's friend's donkey.. it will be fabulous. And everyone shut up about pot, because I know everyone in Humboldt grows/smokes pot but that's NOT the reason why I'm going there.. humph.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, don't waste your time and precious life with MD/PHD. Please....please find out what your getting into before you do it...ask as many tough and candid questions as you can. Medical school is hard enough, and MD/PHD is an arduous route. take care

8:56 PM  

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